
Over a million people in Ukraine have lost their homes and need support. They rely on donations, particularly from Europeans, but many younger Europeans haven't witnessed such devastation firsthand and may not feel compelled to contribute. To bridge this gap in empathy, we initiated a campaign to illustrate the potential impact of war in Barcelona and Madrid. We draped buildings under renovation with tarps that depicted the structures as if they had been destroyed by missile attacks. This stark visual aims to evoke a sense of solidarity and encourage donations to help Ukrainians rebuild their homes and lives.

This student campaign titled 'The Bombed Tarp' was published in Spain in May, 2024. It was created for the brand: Vsimdim, by ad schools: Miami Ad School Buenos Aires, Miami Ad School Europe, and Miller O'Connor. This Design, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Other industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted 29 days ago.


Advertising Agency: Miller O'Connor
School: Miami Ad School Europe
School: Miami Ad School Buenos Aires
Art Director: Sofía Verona
Copywriter: Polina Rudenko
Designer: Júlia Pérez Anglada


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