
Sit, Savor, Share

School: Refreshing Designs


McDonald's is not just a fast food destination; it's a place where people can indulge in their cravings and create lasting memories with their companions.

The campaign is emphasizing the idea that McDonald's offers more than just food – it's a place where cravings are met and cherished moments are shared.

This student campaign titled 'Sit, Savor, Share' was published in India in August, 2023. It was created for the brand: McDonald's, by ad school: Refreshing Designs. This Design, Direct, and OOH Outdoor media campaign is related to the Food and Soft Drinks industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 10 months ago by Deep Doshi: Refreshing Designs of Refreshing Designs.


Advertising Agency : Refreshing Designs, India
Art Director: Deep Doshi
Copywriter: Deep Doshi


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