
Sex Happiness

Agency: Dentsu Creative France

Case study


A 2001 law requires French schools to provide a complete sex education program. 21 years later, a report revealed that students only finish 13% of the program. And when courses are given, they only learn about protection, STIs, STDs but never about pleasure and diversity.

Durex, the leading condom brand in France, decided to take over the sex education program by teaching pleasure and diversity for the very first time.

To reinvent the program, we teamed up with 2 famous sexologists, 5 content creators and their followers. We sourced questions online from them, highlighting their current concerns and needs. The goal: to break taboos and prejudices in an inclusive way. To help people start the discussion, all the topics and questions were available on our educational and fun app.

To enrich the platform, we partnered with the biggest festival in France: Solidays.
Billboards, posters, talks, quizzes... For the first time in this festival dedicated to the fight against AIDS, festival goers were able to talk about sexual pleasure. We turned all their stories into snackable content and featured it on our social networks daily.

This professional campaign titled 'Sex Happiness' was published in France in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: Durex, by ad agency: Dentsu Creative France. This Content and Digital media campaign is related to the Other industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 3 months ago by Dentsu Creative France.


Agency: Dentsu Creative France
CEO: Cécile Bitoun
Creative Director: Emmanuel Bougnères
Strategist: Marion Mondoloni et Samuel Pain
Copywriter: Carrie Tang, Damien Lebreuilly
Art Directors: Sébastien Cuypers, Andrea Antunes
TV Producer: Anthony Raton
Project Manager: Lou-Annah Bianchi
Influence consultant : Raphaëlle Alexandre

Media agency: iProspect
Deputy General Manager: Sabine Querel Toutin
Account Director: Mélanie Bouchez

Production: Blue Paris
Director: Jonathan Schupak
Producer: Jeremie Woog
Production Director: Lina Maldonado
Post-production Director: Céline Sene
Video Editor: Rémi Muzzupapa


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