Orgulho Salva

Pride Saves

Agency: ORO Comunicação


The pride of being who I am helps me to save lives, including mine.

The Pride Saves Organization is a collective of people that helps NGOs, ideas and projects in support of diversity and LGBTQ+ community. In this month of pride, seeking to promote diversity in a pandemic context, we created the Mask of Pride, with the LGBTQIA+ flag stamped on the fabric that protects and helps to contain the Covid-19. The pride as a shield.

To represent the community, we invite health professionals from different fronts, from people who work on the front lines of Covid, to professionals who works with the elderly people in special situations, to literally put pride in their faces and tell their story of overcoming difficulties, of self-acceptance , so that they can dedicate themselves to saving other lives.

This professional campaign titled 'Pride Saves' was published in Brazil in June, 2021. It was created for the brand: Orgulho Salva, by ad agency: ORO Comunicação. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 7 media assets. It was submitted over 2 years ago.


Advertising Agency: ORO Comunicação, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Creative Director: Tiago Matte
Designer: Paulo Soares
Planner: Thays Kiryu
Copywriter: Maria Eduarda Faria, Guilherme Kentish
Project Manager: Cecília Morales
Illustrator: Gustavo Santos
Film Production: Guerrilha Filmes
Photographer: Pedro Gravatá


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