KFC Hosts a Transgressive Fashion Show In Madrid

Agency: PS21


KFC Spain has organized a fashion show on Madrid’s Gran Vía, one of the main streets of the Spanish capital city, to promote the Click & Collect service. The transgressive designs were inspired by the most representative elements of the brand's iconography.

The results: in the first 24 hours after the show, more than 19,000 orders were placed through the service. This is a bigger number than what KFC has ever placed through Click & Collect in an entire month, and it represents an increase of 2,500% of orders compared to the preceding week.

This professional campaign titled 'KFC Hosts a Transgressive Fashion Show In Madrid ' was published in Spain in June, 2023. It was created for the brand: KFC, by ad agency: PS21. This Design, Direct, and OOH Outdoor media campaign is related to the Delivery Services, Fashion, and Food industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 12 months ago by PS21: Rebeca of PS21 DESIGN STRATEGY, S.A..


Advertising Agency: PS21, Madrid, Spain
Production Company: PS21, Madrid, Spain
Creative Director: Víctor Blanco
Photographer: Juan Achiaga

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