
Ketch the Beat

School: Miami Ad School


Heinz has been an original soundtrack to every meal for 150 years. From a smack to a squirt to a squeeze, each Heinz ketchup bottle is an orchestra of unique sounds. Introducing “Ketch the Beat” — an interactive experience where you can create your own tomato rhapsody from the sounds of a Heinz ketchup bottle.

This student campaign titled 'Ketch the Beat' was published in United States in March, 2019. It was created for the brand: Heinz, by ad school: Miami Ad School. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Food and Music industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 5 years ago by Landon Watnick.


Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Miami, United States of America
Art Director: Armon Mayo
Art Director: Ryan Blackmon
Art Director: Landon Watnick


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