Sensodyne GlaxoSmithKline

Ice Cold Faces


GlaxoSmithKline wanted to add diversity and inclusion to its ad campaigns in the U.K. this summer—but properly. Not with redundant rainbows or hashtag platitudes just during Pride Month, but with marketing that rang true.

The GSK Consumer Healthcare marketing team partnered with Gay Times Group to put a modern-day diverse spin on some of its product marketing. The first two brand campaigns—for Sensodyne and Voltarol—feature LGBTQ+ community members and stories in digital films with relevant product messages.

The Sensodyne campaign, for example, is an evolution of GSK’s original “Faces of Sensitivity” in which people with sensitive teeth grimace after biting into cold treats. The new “Ice Cold Faces” campaign features an all-LGBTQ+ cast eating frozen treats and showing their reactions, like drag queen Gingzilla shuddering after a sip of an icy cocktail.

This professional campaign titled 'Ice Cold Faces' was published in United Kingdom in May, 2022. It was created for the brands: GlaxoSmithKline and Sensodyne, . This Print medium campaign is related to the Household Products industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 2 years ago.

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