
When we think about Child Sexual Abuse, we always imagine the pain and suffering that children endure. However, the truth is that the damage go far beyond childhood. According to data, 85% of victims do not speak about it, ask for help or report well until adulthood and, meanwhile, they experience that trauma every day. Carrying that mental baggage all their lives.

This professional campaign titled 'Baggage' was published in Spain in November, 2023. It was created for the brand: Fundació Vicki Bernadet, by ad agency: Ogilvy. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 6 months ago by Creative Director: Kike Almódovar of Ogilvy.


Agency: Ogilvy Barcelona
Managing Director: Gemma Gutiérrez
Executive Creative Director & Strategy Advisor: Gabriel García de Oro
Executive Creative Director: Noelia Fernández
Creative Director: Enrique Almodóvar
Copywriter: Manuel Marcos
Art director: Laura Grandío
Account team: Alba Garlito & Giulia Vischi
Photographer: Pep Ávila
Production House: Oxigeno


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