Google Techo Association

Address The Invisible, Powered by Google

Agency: Archer Troy


Last February, the Techo Association in collaboration with Google unveiled a large-scale project. "Address The Invisible, powered by Google," is a social initiative where technology dignified communities that no one had seen before, projecting a better life for forgotten families in Mexico who do not have decent housing, let alone an address. This people even lack basic services and are not recognized by the government.

Techo is an Association recognized throughout Latin America for building houses in informal settlements. So, in collaboration with Google and using their geolocation technology called Plus Codes, Techo also gave them an address, putting these communities on the map for the first time so that they can complete basic procedures such as having an official identification, receiving mail, or being able to access emergency services, such as calling an ambulance.

Supporting hundreds of communities, thousands of families, and with the scalability to reach all of Latin America and the world, now Techo together with the government and Google, will be able to grow a project like this to reach as many people as possible throughout the country.

A project created hand in hand with the independent agency Archer Troy, where we worked on this idea alongside our volunteers and communities to provide them with the bare essentials for a family: shelter and an address. The Mexican independent agency Archer Troy continues its quest to develop campaigns that generate positive social impact and ideas that change and inspire people’s lives.

At Archer Troy, we are very excited and proud to work with these great allies, always putting our creativity at the service of the community and thus transforming people’s lives.

Address The Invisible, powered by Google, making visible what many did not want to see.

This professional campaign titled 'Address The Invisible, Powered by Google' was published in Mexico in April, 2024. It was created for the brands: Google and Techo Association, by ad agency: Archer Troy. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 2 months ago.


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