A good day to cry (LGTBIQA+ Pride Day)

Agency: La Caseta


ONG Rescate is an NGO that helps refugees from the LGTBIQA+ collective who have to leave their countries because they are persecuted, imprisoned and in some cases sentenced to death for their sexual orientation.

For this reason, we wanted to carry out a campaign that would give visibility to these refugees, to everything they have gone through and suffered until, finally, they can celebrate the importance of LGTBIQA+ Pride Day

This professional campaign titled 'A good day to cry (LGTBIQA+ Pride Day)' was published in Spain in June, 2023. It was created for the brand: ONG RESCATE, by ad agency: La Caseta. This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 12 months ago by Executive Creative Director: Jorge M. Rodrigo of La Caseta.


Advertising Agency : La Caseta, Seville, Spain
Production Company: La Caseta, Seville, Spain
Creative Director: Jorge M. Rodrigo
Art Director: Jorge M. Rodrigo, Marta García Larios
Copywriter: Jorge M. Rodrigo
Film: Jorge M. Rodrigo
Account Director: Chus Plaza
Chief Operating Officer La Caseta: Raquel Forteza


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