Sony Pictures Breaking Bad

8-Bit Walter White

Agency: Geometry Global


To launch the full season DVD release of Sony Entertainment Breaking Bad in Japan, we created a very unique limited edition pack. We called it "8-Bit Walter White". To maximize the WOM, we sent this unique pack to influencers in Japan, with all of them posting pictures of their Walter White pack on social media, creating huge buzz and PR. The DVD quickly achieved the number 1 position in Amazon’s DVD reservation ranking within the foreign drama category.

This professional campaign titled '8-Bit Walter White' was published in Japan in March, 2015. It was created for the brands: Breaking Bad and Sony Pictures, by ad agency: Geometry Global. This Direct medium campaign is related to the Media industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 9 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Geometry Global, Japan
Chief Creative Officer: Ajab Samrai
Creative Director: Federico Garcia
Art Director: Yasushi Arikawa
Designer: Ryuta Nakamura
Producer: Yuichi Aso


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